I wonder if Julie and Julia would have saved it? I threw it out.
Well, I'm sharing these photos with you because I wanted to reinforce Erik's assessment of Julie & Julia. So delightful! I laughed and cried and laughed some more. (Click on the link above to see the trailer; 'cause of silly legal stuff I can't embed it here.)
Just out of curiosity Erik checked prices for the first edition of Child's cookbook; it goes for 400 dollars, and I'm sure that price will go up over the next few weeks. Fortunately I already own the first edition of Child's memoirs, My Life in France, which is a lovely, lovely book that I very much recommend.
Anyway... must clean the kitchen now to get ready for cooking dinner later. Erik's at the Farmers Market picking up fresh corn, to be eaten with plenty of butter, I'm sure. Cheers!
Um....Mr Gemmell and I went to see this film and, although we had already eaten profusely beforehand, afterwards went home and cooked....um...butter.
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