Next time I get a late night craving and raid the White Hen across the street, I'll pick up a pint! (Though I'm still a loyal fan of 3 Scoops and an even more loyal fan of Purity.)
* Not my fault, though, at least according to the 1907 NY Times:
Whoever heard of a fat lover? But though few chubby men enter the connubial state, they achieve a dangerous corpulence -- or have it thrust upon them, in the opinion of the learned diarist of The North American Review -- through the aid and abetment of their wives.
** "Ceremoniously?" Really? I don't think they even meant "ceremonially," but ceremoniously bears much more strongly the connotations of pomposity that accompany being "given to ceremony; punctilious in observance of formalities, esp. those of intercourse between ranks or persons." I hope the act was performed cerevisially instead!
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