Saturday, October 3, 2009

Distance Equals Rate Times Time

To our three remaining readers: We apologize for the blogging drought. We've simply had no time whatsoever to spare for writing. There were far, far too many mindless boob tube broadcasts to glue our eyeballs to*: CSI Miami, Designstar, House Hunters, Property Virgins, Wife Swap, Oprah, Real Housewives of New Jersey, House Husbands of Hollywood, The View, Dr. 90210, Dancing with the Stars, Glenn Beck .... The list goes on and on. Completely entranced, unable to move from the couch, we would awaken at 3 a.m. from a semi-catatonic doze to find ourselves still on the living room futon, hypnotically dialing the 1-800 number flashed on the screen, ordering our nth Flowbee and n+1st Sausage Accessory Kit. But then Guiding Light came to an end, and we knew was time to stop.

Now things are better. Taking a line from one of the two most influential rock acts of this area (the other, of course, being Rob Zombie), as well as a wonderful bumper sticker seen all over that eviroelitosocialist paradise called Ithaca, NY**, we had ourselves a vision, and we killed our television:

As you can see, we're much happier now.

And we've found new ways to entertain ourselves:

Cable was switched off this week, after an incident in which I was locked out of the house and had to call Jackson, Mississippi to recover my keys and let in the cable technician. Long story. Stay tuned for more posts!

* Actually, we've just been horribly busy, overburdened by much too much work, especially with trying to churn out a couple more papers and preparing job applications. Many thanks to Norah for picking up the slack for us while we were slaving away. We'll be back in the salt mines again soon, at least until the job apps have been filed, but we'll try to be better posters. Of course, everyone is welcome and encouraged to post anything at all -- we would love to read what you have to say! Here are instructions; email us if you'd like help!

** We love Ithaca. That website is funny in a right wing looney tunes sort of way.

And here's another video I ran across when looking for Distance Equals ... I can't resist posting it. Watchu know about math, punk?


Sdoic said...

w00t! Props for killing your TV. We quite enjoyed having ours be dead throughout September, and have decided to only revive it on weekends, so as to retain some vegetation, but also keep that nice "I did other things" feeling during the week.

Melanie said...

We're feeling so good about killing telly that we pledged the amount that would have been our cable tv bill to WBUR. We loves NPR.