Monday, November 1, 2010

Mmm ... tasty!

I spent the middle of last month in Edinburgh attending a vastly overpriced and underwhelming conference on systems biology, a still nascent field which lies (face down in a puddle) somewhere near the intersection of computer science, physics, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, statistics, mathematics, entrepreneurial finance, and, to a slight extent, biology. I'd had high hopes for the conference, but by its third day I was thoroughly convinced that my time would be better spent exploring the city and the surrounding area than being bored into a coma listening to another talk whose chief scientific conclusion was "The system turns out to be a lot more complicated than we originally thought."

More complaints about the conference (followed by lauds of Edinburgh) to follow in another post. Here let me just say that though I found the Scots to be far friendlier than their neighbors to the south, but their culinary taste leaves just as much to be desired. Exhibit A:



1 comment:

John C. Brown said...

Welcome back Erik! Missed your posts. :-)