Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Young Member Party at the Met Museum in the Big Apple

Both Mr Gemmell and I thought that a museum party for young members sounded either painfully cheesy or horribly dull when we received an invitation to the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Annual Young Members Party. Much to our happy surprise this was not the case! Arriving around sunset at the Met, we entered not so much into a museum as a grand residence. Such a treat to be able to wander through the museum's maze of rooms without the nuisance of tourist-ridden banter. We could actually spend time in rooms where no one else was present, taking our pretty time enjoying various pieces. To be honest, most of the people all gussied up at the party did not seem to be present for the sake of privately viewing the artwork, but no matter for this only gave us more of an opportunity to have rooms to our dorky selves. Although it took a while for the party to get hopping, at around ten o'clock in the evening a gush of handsomely clad members arrived. Cocktails and strange canapes were served, we all stumbled to the rooftop where a Roxy Paine installation entitled Maelstrom was lighted by many-coloured lights and surround by members who were equally on their way to being sufficiently lit. The canapes apparently weren't as satisfying as promised, for a good 3/4 of the crowd were stumbling down through the exhibits at around we ourselves faltered about through the long corridors near the end we could only think of tomorrow's potential headlines with all of the attendees in their finery barely missing disastrous encounters with various Greek and Roman statues, wobbling on the way to the taxi line. I must say that it all felt very Gatsby-esque and Trey and I half expected to walk out into West Egg upon exiting the party. It was all quite amusing and I can only recommend that you join us next summer.


Melanie said...

I am green with envy. Really. While I was a member (between 2001-2006!) there never was such thing. Must become member again. GREEN WITH ENVY.

Love you post, GYG!

wes said...

Great photos -- keep the posts coming!

Blush Is The Court said...

I think you two should come along next year!
Ahem, we also think you should join us for New Year's eve opening night at the Met Opera to see Carmen....