Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Celebrity Endorsement

NaBloPoMo Day 10: I'm still in Columbus, which is lovelier than I'd anticipated, and I'm still a bit under the weather and a bit pressed for time, so I'll eschew any attempt at an extended post and simply note the incredible career-launching implications that publicity on the Tuesday Dinner Club blog can have: Less than a fortnight after garnering a mention here, the Tweeter behind shitmydadsays has reportedly landed a book deal and a contract for a CBS comedy show based on his father's salty quotes.

The Tuesday Dinner Club shine is sure to rub off on others recently featured here: I predict Nick Hornby's latest will reach bestseller status, and I'm sure Tom Wolfe, John LeCarre, and Michael Pollan will soon start seeing the success they deserve, now that they've been given this blog's (half-read) nod.

(I also predict that CBS's version of shitmydadsays will not be funny.)

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