Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good eats, new treats

NaBloPoMo Day 22: Today we chauffeured my folks around Beantown (in their rental minivan -- we normally don't drive around here) to see a couple of the sights: The Harvard Museum of Natural History (the glass flowers in particular) and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. M. and I had already visited both museums (with J. & M. acting as our chauffeurs and tour guides), but at each place we discovered something new.

The HMNH is fabulous, and the glass flowers and minerals are spectacular, but so are the permanent collections of dinosaur skeletons, petrified bacteria, and (preserved) mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and fish. There seemed to be acres of exhibits to explore, and M. and I vowed to return soon to take it all in. Science Sundays, anyone?

Each piece at the IGSM is of very fine quality, yet the impression left by the collection of art and architecture in toto is shaded more towards quirk and charm than refinement and exquisiteness. One gets a sense that Isabella was a woman possessed of fine taste, great sensitivity, wide curiosity, and deep pockets, but somehow lacking a system (remember Sammy Jankis ...). As appropriate for being her former home, the ISGM feels more like a museum about Isabella than a museum of art -- but it is nonetheless beautiful and not to be missed. We arrived in the late afternoon, and we discovered that part of the second floor of the museum (the Tapestry Room, past where the sketches by Dürer and Rembrandt are kept) was closed to visitors due to the weekly concert. We stood close to the concert chamber entrance (just past the sketches) and could hear a few strains of angelic singing. Choral music afficianados that we are (becoming), we'll have to get tickets some time.

The day's highlight, though (as least for me), was brunch (with Dr. J.) at Henrietta's Table, an all-you-can-eat locavore gourmet extravaganza. Pricey, but delicious. I ate three (restrained) courses, trying to get a taste of everything. Verdict: herrlich! (And the waitstaff didn't hurry us out the door but let us enjoy the meal and the opportunity to talk.) We shall definitely return for more gustatory enjoyment (when the folks are around to treat us)!

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