Sunday, November 29, 2009

End of the line

NaBloPoMo Day 29: All good things must come to an end, even Thanksgiving holiday vacations in White Plains/NYC with the Sherwood clan. We returned to Boston this evening (first via the scenic but congested Merritt Parkway, which wends through some attractive, 'burbish areas of Connecticut, then via the torpid Mass Pike, a trip that lasted half again as long as the anticipated three hours -- the one positive note: NPR's Car Talk and Classics for Kids (American Composers with a Boston Connection) were playing on CT public radio. Easy puzzler this week.) just in time to grab a bite at the Jasmine Bistro, a French-Hungarian restaurant in our neighborhood which M. and I had often eyed but never tried until tonight's dinner. It was a somewhat somber supper, as we were not at all looking forward to saying our goodbyes and parting ways, but the Wiener Schnitzel and house red (a very smooth Argentinian Malbec) were delicious diversions before we wished my folks "Bon Voyage!" It was a wonderful, overdue holiday respite and, as always, a joy to spend some time with family and friends. If only it could last!

Back to work tomorrow; in the meantime, pleasant dreams of the terrific week that was!

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